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Sahiti Bhalla

How to Deal with an Artist Block

Artist block - a term we have probably heard hundreds of times, and perhaps been through it too! But what exactly is an artist block? Why does it occur and how can one overcome an artist block? Let’s dig deeper!

An artist block is a situation, a state of mind when artists cannot access their creativity resulting in no new creations at all! In this situation, the artist may feel they have run out of ideas. But that is not true. There are underlying causes to an artist block. One of the reasons why an artist may experience this is because of the fear of imperfection or a certain idea is not good enough to be pursued. It can also be due to negative criticism, feeling the work is not good enough etc.

Stress is another major contributor to an artist block. And stress can be induced by situations in our external environment. Additionally mental, physical, emotional exhaustion can also trigger the block.

Understand that it's completely okay to experience an artist block. Don't beat yourself up for it. Instead, take a back seat, locate the root of the block, and then deal with it. Don't be forceful i.e. don't force yourself to create. Take a break, breathe - it's okay. It is necessary to deal with an artist’s block patiently. Otherwise, these blocks may start occurring on a regular basis. This can lead to prolonged anxiety and stress, and we can’t have that, can we? So, here are few simple ways that can help you overcome an artist block -

Decluttered work space illustration
Art by Anirudh Kadav

Declutter the surroundings

Clean surroundings help in increasing productivity, efficiency and creative thinking. This also reduces anxiety and improves the overall state of mind. By decluttering a space, you give yourself a fresh and soothing ambience and renewed perspective. Decluttering is a method which not only helps in improving mental health but also physical health.

Illustration of a mandala
Art by Peth Doodles

Relax your mind

Taking a break is one of the most important things which helps in increasing productivity. Giving yourself short breaks is necessary. One gets to experience a lot of new things during breaks. You could plan an outdoor picnic, meet friends or even binge watch. Staying in the same space for long can also be tedious and you need to get out in the open, seek new adventures. Taking a little time off everyday helps reduce the chances of experiencing an artist block.

Hand colored waddle of penguins
Art by Aruna Mukerjee


Socializing is an important part to enhance your creativity. Meeting new people, getting to know their perspectives, experience, increasing interaction with people can add to your vocabulary as an artist. One can also seek advice from peers, experts and seniors at the workplace, social gathering or over a coffee meet. Surround yourself with people who have a positive vibe, who motivate you. Taking an insight from a non-artist person can also help you know!

Illustration of pearls in oysters
Art by Nazarbuttu

Step out of your comfort zone

Sometimes it is better to challenge yourself and try a new medium of art. If you prefer water coloring try oil paints, pen and ink. Try to swap disciplines entirely and try something different. Stepping out of your comfort zone can help increase creativity and can inspire you to get back to your canvas. Working in a new medium does not come naturally and can bring back a beginner's state of mind which is sometimes necessary.

Hand painting of a forest lake
Art by Anuja Aggarwal

Spend Time in Nature

Spending time in nature can help inspire and relax you at the same time. Nature has a lot to offer. One can get an idea for their new art piece or have entirely a new experience. It can prove to be a place of comfort for you and can prove to provide fresh, unique experiences to you. It also helps in visualizing things through a different lens.

Sketch of a book
Art by The Blue Ape

Read Books

Reading art related books can be of great help as books are known to ignite creativity and enhance the creative mind. Indulging yourself in reading can help in finding an inspiration and medium that works for you. These books can help shape ideas in the right direction.

These methods are basic but efficient in helping one come out of the artist’s block. Inspiration can come from anywhere - you just have to try different ways to find it. Exploring different ways of finding inspiration can also lead to one experiencing new adventures and new forms of happiness. Hope this helps!

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